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 P R E S S  R E L E A S E - Wednesday December 07, 2005 this is an invisible spacer image
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“Today, National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we take time to remember those who valiantly defended their nation against the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, and to memorialize the more than 2,400 American lives lost in that attack, 64 years ago this day. In doing so, we honor all of America’s veterans of that war, every one of them a member of the “Greatest Generation,” who selflessly devoted themselves to protecting our cherished liberty that fateful Sunday morning and for over 1300 subsequent days of bloody fighting. Their sacrifice and that of the men and women who followed in their valiant footsteps, remains emblematic of America's commitment to freedom.

From a generation that came of age during the Great Depression, millions of our country’s best and bravest took up arms in a worldwide struggle against tyranny. We suffered a terrible blow at Pearl Harbor, but unbowed, this great nation and its ideals ultimately prevailed. The threats to freedom we now face against a new form of tyranny remind us that we owe much to those who served and those who died that day on Oahu.

Those heroes, many of whom still lie entombed beneath the waters of Pearl Harbor, embody the very ideals upon which America was founded. We recognize with heartfelt gratitude the sacrifices these extraordinary men and women – from the cities and farms across this vast country – have made to preserve and defend our freedom.

As we make preparations to enjoy this Holiday Season with family and friends, let us pause today to honor the memory of those who made our joyous celebrations possible through their sacrifice at Pearl Harbor. Let us also remember our men in women in military uniform serving far from home, in harm’s way so that we can securely and confidently enjoy those holidays here at home.”


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