Law Clerkships

The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary has one of the broadest jurisdictions of any standing Senate committee, encompassing oversight of constitutional amendments; federal courts and judges; immigration and naturalization; bankruptcy; crime; intellectual property; and antitrust regulation.

As Texas' newest member of the U.S. Senate and its first member of the Judiciary Committee since 1961, I am pleased to engage Texas' best-qualified law students to serve as law clerks and assist me as I fulfill my responsibilities as a member of the Judiciary Committee and chairman of the Subcommittee on the Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship.

Clerks will assist me as I serve the subcommittee and the full Judiciary Committee, and they can expect an educational, rewarding experience. A stipend is available. Interested students should complete the application and mail it, together with the required materials, to the address listed on the application.

Thank you for your interest in serving the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary. I appreciate the opportunity to represent you and all Texans in the United States Senate.


John Cornyn

United States Senator

Clerkship Application Form
Senator John Cornyn : United States Senate : Washington, DC 20510-4305 : 202-224-2934
Central : East : North : South Central : South East : South : West : Washington DC
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