In Case You Missed It:
General Caldwell Briefs on Progress in Iraq

Today, General William Caldwell, Multi-National Forces, Iraq, briefed on progress in Iraq.  His full briefing can be found here.  Highlights of his briefing follow:

* Relations with Turkey: "On October 4th, Turkish and Iraqi delegations resolved a three- year-old dispute where they agreed on a
payment scheme for disputed arrears for fuel imports totaling around $200 million.  The arrangement was desperately needed to help open trade and alleviate Iraq's fuel shortage."

* Employment: "The [Iraqi] government ... is working on the funding for an employment program in Baghdad that would train and employ 100,000 young men for two years."

* Oil Production: "In September, Iraq produced an average of 2.4 million barrels of oil per day.  Oil production has met or exceeded the goal of 2.2 million barrels of oil per day for the past six consecutive months. Through September, revenues from oil sales exceeded projected estimates by approximately $1.5 billion."

* Fuel Liberalization: "The Council of Representatives passed in September the fuel important liberalization law to thwart black market
sales and improve fuel supply and reduce corruption by opening up the energy sector to private investment.  The government is currently
developing regulations related to this important piece of legislation, which should be in place by the end of this year."

* Foreign Investment: "On Tuesday, the Council of Representatives diligently passed an investment law.  This law will provide a legal and regulatory framework for companies -- foreign companies interested in investing in Iraq.  The Iraqi government is also drafting a hydrocarbon law to ensure fair and equitable distribution of the natures of this country's future oil revenues."

* Federalism: "The Council of Representatives yesterday passed a law on executive procedures to form regions, which we refer to as the Region's Law.  This law lays out the procedures provinces must follow to form regions should the voters choose to do so in a local referenda. This is a great beginning to addressing the worries of many Iraqis on fair distribution of wealth and political power." | Deborah Pryce, Chairman | Republican Conference, U.S. House of Representatives.
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