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Kelly Obtains More Than $900,000 for Road Improvements in Poughkeepsie
October 25, 2005
Federal Funds to Help Town Meet Transportation-Related Needs
POUGHKEEPSIE – U.S. Representative Sue Kelly and Poughkeepsie Town Supervisor Joseph Davis met at Town Hall today to further discuss the planned uses of federal funds the Congresswoman obtained for road repairs and other transportation-related needs in the Town of Poughkeepsie.
Kelly and Davis worked together to identify road needs in the Town that qualified for federal assistance under the Transportation Equity Act. The legislation, which was signed into law in August, distributes federal funding for highway, road, and mass transit improvements.
As a senior member of the House Transportation Committee, Kelly successfully wrote provisions into the bill that secured a total of $904,600 in federal money for the Town of Poughkeepsie’s transportation-related needs. Davis provided the project details and paperwork necessary for federal funding consideration.
“This federal money will make a positive difference on our local roads here in the Town of Poughkeepsie,” Kelly said. “It is very important for Poughkeepsie residents that their federal and local governments team up and work productively in ways like this to identify and address their local needs.”
At Town Hall today, Davis and Kelly discussed how the federal transportation funds would be used for road improvements on Bedell Road, Sharon Drive, and Hornbeck Road.
“We all depend on our local roads to be well-paved,” Kelly said. “A good return of federal money like this for Poughkeepsie helps enhance our local community and keep local residents safe on the roads. By obtaining federal funding assistance, towns like Poughkeepsie can make necessary road improvements without having to collect extra local taxes to offset the costs involved,” Kelly said.
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