United States Senate Committee on
Energy and Natural Resources
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Subcommittee on Energy
Phone: (202) 224-4971
Fax: (202) 228-0541
Jurisdiction of the Subcommittee includes oversight and legislative responsibilities for: nuclear, coal and synthetic fuels research and development; nuclear and non-nuclear energy commercialization projects; nuclear fuel cycle policy; DOE National Laboratories; global climate change; new technologies research and development; nuclear facilities siting and insurance program; commercialization of new technologies including, solar energy systems; Federal energy conservation programs; energy information; liquefied natural gas projects; oil and natural gas regulation; refinery policy; coal conversion; utility policy; strategic petroleum reserves; regulation of Trans-Alaska Pipeline System and other oil and gas pipeline transportation systems within Alaska Artic research and energy development; and oil, gas and coal production and distribution.
Republican Subcommittee Members

Lamar Alexander (Chairman)
Richard Burr
Mel Martinez
James M. Talent
George Allen
Jim Bunning
Lisa Murkowski
Larry E. Craig
Craig Thomas
Conrad Burns
Democratic Subcommittee Members

Byron L. Dorgan (Ranking Member)
Daniel K. Akaka
Tim Johnson
Mary L. Landrieu
Dianne Feinstein
Maria Cantwell
Ken Salazar
Robert Menendez
Pete V. Domenici (ex officio member)
Jeff Bingaman (ex officio member)
Releated Legislation
Bill Introduced Description

S. 33 24-Jan-05 To prohibit energy market manipulation.
S. 64 24-Jan-05 To direct the Secretary of Energy to establish a decommissioning pilot program to decommission and decontaminate the sodium-cooled fast breeder experitmental test-site reactor located in northwest Arkansas.
S. 326 09-Feb-05 To reauthorize and revise the Renewable Energy Production Incentive program, and for other purposes.
S. 373 14-Feb-05 To amend the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 to provide for a program to develop and demonstrate the cost-effective operation of a fleet of renewable hydrogen passenger vehicles.
S. 436 17-Feb-05 To require the Secretary of Energy to assess the economic implications of the dependence of the State of Hawaii on oil as the principal source of energy for the State.
S. 665 17-Mar-05 To reauthorize and improve the Spark M. Matsunaga Hydrogen Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1990 to establish a program to commercialize hydrogen and fuel cell technology, and for other purposes.
S. 684 17-Mar-05 To amend the Natural Gas Act to provide additional requirements for the siting, construction, or operation of liquefied natural gas import facilities.
S. 711 05-Apr-05 To amend the Methane Hydrate Research and Development Act of 2000 to reauthorize that Act and to promote the research, identification, assessment, exploration, and development of methane hydrate resources.
S. 726 To promote the conservation and production of natural gas.
S. 822 15-Apr-05 To prevent the retroactive application of changes to Trans-Alaska Pipeline Quality Bank valuation methodologies.
S. 957 28-Apr-05 To establish a clean coal power initiative, and for other purposes.
S. 1031 12-May-05 To enhance the reliability of the electric system.
S. 1034 13-May-05 To provide for local control for the siting of windmills.
S. 1090 20-May-05 To provide certain requirements for the siting, construction, expansion, and operation of liquefied natural gas import terminals, and for other purposes.
S. 1091 20-May-05 To establish a Federal incentive program as part of a national gasification strategy to stimulate commercial deployment of integrated gasification combined cycle and industrial gasification technology.
S. 1133 26-May-05 To authorize the Secretary of Energy to develop and implement an accelerated research, development, and demonstration program for advanced clean coal technologies for use in coal-based generation facilities and to provide financial incentives to encourage the early commercial deployment of advanced clean coal technologies through the retrofitting, repowering, replacement, and new construction of coal-based electricity generating facilities and industrial gasification facilities.
S. 1205 08-Jun-05 To require a study of the effects on disadvantaged individuals of actions by utilities intended to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and for other purposes.
S. 1208 09-Jun-05 To provide for local control for the siting of windmills.
S. 1499 26-Jul-05 To amend the Federal Power Act to provide for competitive and reliable electricity transmission in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
S. 1596 29-Jul-05 To amend the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to require electric utilities to provide net metering service.
S. 1649 To require the Secretary of Energy to submit to Congress a report describing the method by which existing reporting systems within the Department of Energy can be coordinated to provide timely reporting of significant supply interruptions in the transmission of petroleum and petroleum-related products.
S. 1694 To require the Secretary of Energy to submit to Congress a report describing the method by which existing reporting systems within the Department of Energy can be coordinated to provide timely reporting of significant supply interruptions in the transmission of petroleum and petroleum-related products.
S. 1853 06-Oct-05 To amend the National Energy Conservation Policy Act to require Federal agencies to take certain actions to reduce employee vehicle fuel consumption, and for other purposes.
S. 1979 09-Nov-05 To provide for the establishment of a strategic refinery reserve, and for other purposes.
S. 1997 10-Nov-05 To authorize the Secretary of Energy to establish a program of energy assistance grants to local educational agencies.
S. 2747 04-May-06 To enhance energy efficiency and conserve oil and natural gas, and for other purposes.
S. 2794 11-May-06 To ensure the equitable provision of pension and medical benefits to Department of Energy contractor employees.
S. 2812 16-May-06 To amend the Petroleum Marketing Practices Act to prohibit restrictions on the installation of renewable fuel pumps, and for other purposes.
S. 2984 23-May-06 To require certain profitable oil companies to expend 1 percent of recent quarterly profits to install E-85 fuel pumps in the United States.
S. Res. 197 13-Jul-05 To commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Trinity Test, the culmination of the Manhattan Project, and to honor the people who made it possible.
S. Res. 228 29-Jul-05 Expressing the sense of the Senate that it should be a goal of the United States to reduce the amount of oil projected to be imported in 2025 by 40 percent and that the President should take measures to reduce the dependence of the United States on foreign oil.
H.R. 1158 08-Mar-05 To reauthorize the Steel and Aluminum Energy Conservation and Technology Competitiveness Act of 1988.
H.R. 3893 26-Sep-05 To expedite the construction of new refining capacity in the United States, to provide reliable and affordable energy for the American people, and for other purposes.
H.R. 5143 06-Apr-06 To authorize the Secretary of Energy to establish monetary prizes for achievements in overcoming scientific and technical barriers associated with hydrogen energy.