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Fitzpatrick Urges Residents to Prepare for the Possibility of Flooding
Aug 30, 2006  - As Tropical Storm Ernesto continues its path northward, Pennsylvania could soon experience heavy periods of rain which could lead to flooding. Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick urges all residents of the 8th District to prepare now for the potential that flooding could again impact our region. “As ... More

Fitzpatrick Calls on Rendell to Look Upstream to End Delaware Flooding
Aug 29, 2006  - Today, Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick sent a letter to Governor Rendell calling on him to enter into a new agreement with New York City for the management of its reservoirs to aid in future flood mitigation. “As Tropical Storm Ernesto makes its way to landfall we cannot forget that the threat of... More

Fitzpatrick Welcomes Hearing on Flood Insurance Program
Aug 15, 2006  - Today, the House Financial Services Committee of which Congressman Michael Fitzpatrick is a member, held a field hearing in Yardley entitled “A Look at the National Flood Insurance Program and Flood Mitigation Efforts: Is Bucks County, Pennsylvania Ready for Another Flood?” The hearing took place at... More

Fitzpatrick Holds Hearing on Delaware River Flooding
Jul 17, 2006  - Today at 2:00, Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick held an ad hoc field hearing in New Hope to discuss the factors that led to the recent flooding of the Delaware River and what can be done to prevent future damage. Shortly after the floods late last month, Congressman Fitzpatrick promised to have lo... More

Fitzpatrick Holds Disaster Preparedness Seminar for Small Businesses
Jul 17, 2006  - This morning, Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick hosted a seminar for local small businesses on what they can do to prepare for natural disasters. The seminar, held at the Yardley Borough Hall, brought together a diverse group of experts to educate and inform small business owners on how to cope whe... More

FEMA's Disaster Assistance Booklet Added to Website
Jul 12, 2006  - FEMA has released an important document to assist residents affected by flooding throughout the Northeast.  This document outlines some necessary information for residents on how to get help, answers to frequent questions and other information. The FEMA assistance document can be found by... More

Fitzpatrick and Senator Specter Tour Flood Damage in Yardley
Jun 30, 2006  - On Friday June 30th, Congressman Michael Fitzpatrick joined Senator Arlen Specter and officials from Bucks County on a tour of flood damage in and around Yardley. Accompanying Senator Specter and Congressman Fitzpatrick on the tour were; Commissioner James F. Cawley, Esq; Mayor Matt Sinberg; Council... More

BREAKING NEWS: President Bush Has Declared Bucks County Federal Disaster Area
Jun 30, 2006  - Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick was notified today at 4:30pm by the White House that President Bush declared Bucks County a federal disaster area.  This declaration is key for allowing residents of Bucks County to take advantage of important federal assistance programs in addition to support... More

Fitzpatrick Urges President Bush to Declare the 8th District a Federal Disaster Area
Jun 29, 2006  -  Today, Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick sent an urgent letter to President Bush, urging him to declare the 8th district of Pennsylvania a federal disaster area. Fitzpatrick returned from Washington to his home during the early hours of Thursday morning to witness first-hand the developing st... More

Statement of Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick in Response to Flood Warnings along the Delaware River
Jun 28, 2006  -  This week’s heavy rains along the entire Northeast Coast have saturated the ground, overwhelmed highways and railways and now threaten to swell the banks of the Delaware River and Neshaminy Creek and flood our coastal communities. Congressman Fitzpatrick is closely monitoring the situation and... More

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