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Fitzpatrick Votes to Lower Taxes on Small Businesses and Family Farms
Jun 22, 2006  - Today, Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick voted to permanently repeal the estate tax for thousands of American small business owners and family farmers. H.R. 5638, the “Permanent Estate Tax Relief Act” would exempt individuals, businesses, farmers and ranchers from the tax if their estates are value... More

Fitzpatrick Votes to Approve Line Item Veto
Jun 22, 2006  - Today, Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick voted to give the President line item veto authority when the House passed H.R. 4890, the Legislative Line Item Veto Act of 2006.” The legislation passed 247 to 172 (Roll Call 317). “Passage of this important legislation demonstrates once again Congress’ com... More

Fitzpatrick Applauds Elimination of Outdated Telephone Tax
May 25, 2006  -  Today, Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick joined Treasury Secretary John Snow and his House colleagues to announce that the Treasury Department will repeal the long distance telephone excise tax. The tax, which began in 1898 as a way to finance the Spanish American War, has been on the books e... More

Fitzpatrick Protests Proposed IRS Rule Change
Apr 12, 2006  - On Wednesday afternoon, Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick appeared in front of the New Hope post office to oppose a proposed IRS rule change that would place tax payers’ privacy at risk and allow tax return preparers the ability to profit from their personal information. Section 301.7216-3 of the I... More

Fitzpatrick Votes to Protect America’s Future Generations
Nov 18, 2005  - Last night, Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick took a stand against the spiraling growth of the federal deficit by voting in favor of H.R. 4241, the “Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.” In the weeks leading up to the vote on this bill, Fitzpatrick lead the House in urging Republican Leadership to s... More

Fitzpatrick Calls for Corporate Accountability Following Record Oil Company Earnings
Oct 28, 2005  - Today, Congressman Fitzpatrick called for the country’s major oil companies to account for their record profits over the last fiscal quarter. Almost all of the nation’s major oil producers recently reported earnings near the $10 billion mark just for the third-quarter alone. Upon hearing the news,... More

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