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Unprecedented Health Care Reform Strategy is Launched with GAO Appointments
February 2005


Above Left: GAO Comptroller General David Walker announces the formation of the Citizen's Working Group, created by the Wyden-Hatch Health Care that Works for All Americans Act.

Above Right and Below: U.S. Senator Ron Wyden describes the law and the aim of the Citizens' Working Group. More information can be found below.

The Wyden-Hatch Citizens' Working Group on Health Care will accomplish a series of tasks that tackle reform in a new way:

- Holding initial hearings to gather information about current health care spending priorities, plus options and consequences for changing them;

- Publishing a “Health Care Report to the American People” to be distributed nationwide and posted online, explaining in plain language how the American health care dollar is spent today, options for care and coverage, and alternatives to the current system;

- Initiating an online system and a series of town hall meetings in every U.S. state to take public input on whether and how our current health care system should be changed; and

- Summarizing the views of the American people into a report to Congress and the Administration with recommendations for health care reforms. Following initial publication the public will have 90 days to comment on this report before its final delivery to Congress and the White House.