(Updated September 20, 2006)

H.R. 971
To Extend the Deadline for Commencement of Construction of Certain Hydroelectric Projects in Connecticut, and for Other Purposes

Floor Situation

The House is scheduled to consider H.R. 971, under suspension of the rules, on Tuesday, September 26, 2006. The bill is debatable for forty minutes, may not be amended, and requires a two-thirds majority vote for passage.


H.R. 971 directs the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to extend through May 30, 2007, the time period during which the licensee is required to commence construction for projects numbered 11547, 10822, and 10823 in the State of Connecticut and requires the Commission thereafter, upon licensee request, to extend the time period for construction of such project for two consecutive two-year periods.

The bill also directs the Commission to reinstate the licenses for such projects effective as of their respective expiration dates. States that the first authorized extension for each such project shall take effect on its expiration date.

Legislative History

H.R. 971 was introduced by Rep. Simmons (CT) on February 17, 2005. The bill was ordered to be reported from the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, by voice vote, on September 20, 2006.

For additional information or questions, please contact the Energy and Commerce Committee at 5-9446.