

CONTACT: Kate Dwyer
May 26, 2001
(202) 225-3031

WASHINGTON – First District Congressman Paul Ryan today praised House passage of a $1.35 trillion tax relief package that includes marginal rate reductions, marriage penalty relief, child tax credit expansion, repeal of the death tax, and increased contribution limits for Individual Retirement Accounts and 401(k) plans. Ryan voted for the legislation – H.R. 1836 – which passed in the U.S. House of Representatives by a bipartisan margin of 240-154. The measure is the product of negotiations between the House and Senate on a tax relief package that contains the major elements of the President's tax relief plan.

"Americans have overpaid their taxes for years and this legislation delivers a well-deserved refund," Ryan said. "The package provides tax relief for every taxpayer – so that, for once, Washington is returning money rather than spending it."

"Besides reducing tax rates across-the-board, the legislation offers added relief for couples hit by the marriage tax penalty, parents, and small-businesses hurt by the death tax," Ryan said. "The bill also benefits everyone planning for retirement and encourages savings by letting people put more money away each year in tax-favored accounts. In addition, it makes education more affordable by boosting education savings accounts."

"The President promised education reform and Congress delivered. The President vowed to lower taxes for all taxpayers, and today we voted to do just that. We have been moving forward and making good on the President's initiatives, and I hope we can continue to work together in this bipartisan fashion to make further progress in other areas in the weeks and months ahead," Ryan said.

The major components of the conference agreement follow:

Marginal Rate Reductions

Marriage Penalty Repeal Child Tax Credit Expansion Estate/Death Tax Repeal Pension and Retirement Savings Education Incentives Adoption Tax Credit Alternative Minimum Tax Relief