CONTACT: Kate Dwyer
June 23, 2000
(202) 225-3031
Marks Ryan’s second award within recent weeks for record of fiscal responsibility.

WASHINGTON – The National Taxpayers Union (NTU) earlier this week honored First District Congressman Paul Ryan with its annual “Taxpayers’ Friend Award” for his record of voting to reduce federal spending, taxes, and debt.

The NTU bestowed this award on Ryan and other Members of Congress who received an “A” grade on its annual rating, which is based on a comprehensive measure of Congress’s activities. According to the NTU: “Scores are determined by a detailed and objective analysis of every vote that affects taxes, spending, debt, and regulatory burdens imposed on taxpayers.” The 300,000-member-strong NTU prides itself on the thoroughness and nonpartisan nature of its ratings.

This award marks the second time within the past month and a half that a national fiscal watchdog group has publicly recognized Congressman Ryan’s record of fiscal responsibility. On May 23, the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) praised Ryan as a “Taxpayer Hero.” CCAGW President Thomas A. Schatz remarked: “Rep. Ryan has worked tirelessly on behalf of not only his own constituents, but all taxpayers. Throughout the session, he voted consistently with the taxpayer to cut wasteful spending, eliminate the national debt, and curb an out-of-control federal bureaucracy.”

CCAGW rated 26 House and 21 Senate votes that would have significantly reduced government waste and decreased the burden on taxpayers. The group presented its annual “Taxpayer Hero Award” to Members of Congress who achieved an 80 percent rating or better for this selection of votes. CCAGW commended Ryan for achieving a waste-cutting rating of 88 percent during the first session of the 106th Congress.