John Gentzel, Communications Director 202-225-4315

Gerlach to Vote “Yes” Declaring the United States Will Prevail on the Global War on Terror

“We resolve to prevail, but we also need to make it clear to the Iraqi government that our patience and support are not blank checks that can be cashed with American lives and tax dollars” – Rep. Jim Gerlach

Washington, Jun 14 -

 With the U.S. House of Representatives set to start up to two days of open debate on a resolution declaring that the United States will prevail in the Global War on Terror and secure victory in Iraq, Rep. Jim Gerlach today announced his intention to vote for the resolution. Rep. Gerlach also released the text of the floor speech he’ll be giving during the floor debate.

“This is likely to be one of the most important debates the House will engage in this year as Congress reaffirms its support for the brave men and women in the United States Armed Forces,” Rep. Gerlach said. “At the same time, we’ll be discussing in a bipartisan fashion what needs to be done for the Iraqi government to assume full-operational control of its own security so that we can bring our troops home.”

Last month, Rep. Gerlach introduced a resolution to require Congress to take a more proactive role in assessing progress by the Iraqi government to handle that country’s security and internal affairs.

“Thousands of American military heroes have fought and died for Iraqi freedom and liberty, and the American people have invested billions of dollars. We have to honor that sacrifice by encouraging and motivating the new government of Iraq to take over the conduct of their own internal affairs,” Rep. Gerlach said last month.

A copy of Rep. Gerlach’s floor speech, Iraq resolution and dear colleague letter are attached.

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