Congressman Brady co-sponsors ENDA

PHILADELPHIA ---- Congressman Robert A. Brady (D., Pa.) is a co-sponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which was re-introduced today. Brady, an original co-sponsor of the bi, has co-sponsored ENDA every year since he was elected. The legislation extends federal employment discrimination protections that are currently provided based on race, religion, gender, national origin, age and disability, to sexual orientation.

"The bill prohibits employers from hiring, firing, promoting or compensating an employee based on sexual orientation. It's based on the basic principle that all employees should be judged on their job performance not their lifestyle," said Brady. "It's common sense."

ENDA has bi-partisan support in both the House and the Senate. In 1996 the bill came within one vote of passage in the Senate. It has also been endorsed by national civil rights leaders including Coretta Scott King. It is also supported by a broad-based coalition of religious organizations.

Fourteen states and more than 240 cities and counties already have laws prohibiting employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. But, Congressman Brady cautions that in 36 states it is legal to fire a person who is otherwise qualified, or because he or she is homosexual.

"Too often qualified hard working people are denied job opportunities because they are, or someone thinks they are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered. With the passage of ENDA we will come a step closer to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation," the Congressman said.