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Navigating a sea of federal red tape can be difficult for anyone, and especially frustrating for someone facing a challenging circumstance. When requested, my office can offer assistance on behalf of Oregonians in their dealings with federal agencies. Please contact my office nearest you or complete the online casework form for assistance.

What is Casework:

Casework is usually performed on behalf of individuals, groups with a common concern, or small businesses and may seek to resolve a problem, grievance, question of eligibility, need, benefit, or other interest. Please understand that Senator Wyden's office will only be able to address issues within the confines of the laws and regulations of the United States. In most cases, individuals will be asked to complete and sign a Privacy Release Act form to enable Senator Wyden's staff to contact federal agencies on their behalf.

Examples of Federal Agencies with which Senator Wyden's office regularly interacts:

What is not Casework:

The casework that Senator Wyden's office can provide is separate from matters of public policy and legislation. If you have concerns about a current law, please contact a policy representative in the Washington, DC office.

Members of Congress cannot intervene in criminal and civil legal cases because of the separation of the judicial and legislative branches of government. Such cases include:

  • Legal issues*
  • Child custody issues
  • Divorce issues
  • Bankruptcy court

* If you need a lawyer and cannot afford one, please contact the Legal Aid office for your county. For more information, visit: http://www.oregonlawhelp.com/.

The Oregon State Bar Association offers a lawyer referral service. They can be reached by calling 1-800-452-7636 or by visiting their Web site at www.osbar.org.

Additionally, members of Congress have no direct jurisdictional authority to intervene in cases that involve Oregon state agencies. Examples of these cases include:

  • State revenue taxes
  • Child support services **
  • Private insurance claims
  • Children, Adults and Families, formerly Adult and Family Services

** For assistance with child support cases, call the Child Support Helpline at 1-800-383-1222 or find additional information by visiting http://www.osbar.org/public/ris/LowCostLegalHelp/ChildSupportServices.html.

If you are having problems with an Oregon state agency, you can contact the office of Governor Kulongoski at (503) 378-3111 or visit his Web site at www.governor.state.or.us.

Online Casework Form