September 8, 2003


Honorable Dennis Hastert


Honorable Nancy Pelosi

Democratic Leader

U.S. House of Representatives

Washington, DC  20515


Dear Speaker Hastert and Leader Pelosi:


            We, the undersigned, are pledged to work to secure the level of funding Congress resolved to add for veterans’ health care in fiscal year 2004 in H.Con.Res. 95.   


Just prior to the summer district work period, the House voted to support the President’s budget request for veterans’ health care which added $1.4 billion to the amount appropriated for fiscal year 2003.  Yet, by approving H.Con.Res. 95, the Congress had committed to add $3.2 billion ($1.8 billion over the President’s budget) to the fiscal year 2003 level. 


The $1.8 billion in additional funds would be used to replace the projected revenues and cost savings that would have been associated with the increased copayments for medications and for the new enrollment fees proposed for certain veterans.  We rightly rejected these proposals, but VA was counting on us approving them to make its budget work. 


Additional funding would help VA retain nursing home care beds for veterans.  It would allow VA to address the unreasonable waiting times that exist for thousands of veterans.  VA also desperately needs adequate funding to make its facilities safe, efficient, and modern and to allow for enhancements promised to veterans through the Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services process.  


Veterans everywhere are extremely disappointed in the House’s action on funding VA health care for fiscal year 2004.  We want to take our last chance to honor the commitment we made to fund veterans’ health care.  We ask you to instruct the House conferees to add $1.8 billion to the fiscal year 2004 appropriation for VA health care.




_____________________________                                ______________________________

LANE EVANS                                                                  BOB FILNER

Ranking Democratic Member                                      


____________________________                                  ______________________________

LUIS GUTIERREZ                                                            CORRINE BROWN


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VIC SNYDER                                                                   CIRO RODRIGUEZ


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MICHAEL MICHAUD                                                     DARLENE HOOLEY


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SILVESTRE REYES                                                         TED STRICKLAND


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SHELLEY BERKLEY                                                       TOM UDALL                               


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SUSAN DAVIS                                                                TIM RYAN                                              


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GRACE NAPOLITANO                                                   LEONARD BOSWELL


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BARBARA LEE                                                                JOSEPH HOEFFEL


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MIKE MCINTYRE                                                           MICHAEL CAPUANO


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RODNEY ALEXANDER                                                  ZOE LOFGREN


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HENRY WAXMAN                                                         DENNIS MOORE


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RUSH HOLT                                                                     JAMES LANGEVIN


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EARL POMEROY                                                            ELLEN TAUSCHER


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COLLIN PETERSON                                                       BRAD MILLER


_____________________________                                ______________________________

ED CASE                                                                          MAXINE WATERS


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ALCEE HASTINGS                                                          CAROLYN MCCARTHY


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JOHN LARSON                                                               WILLIAM DELAHUNT


_____________________________                                ______________________________

TAMMY BALDWIN                                                        STEVEN ROTHMAN


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CHRIS VAN HOLLEN                                                     STEVEN ISRAEL


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DAVID SCOTT                                                                BERNIE SANDERS


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GARY ACKERMAN                                                        JIM DAVIS          



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LLOYD DOGGETT                                                          GEORGE MILLER


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CHARLES STENHOLM                                                  JOE BACA


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JULIA CARSON                                                              MARTIN FROST


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BILL PASCRELL                                                              JAN SCHAKOWSKY


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DENNIS CARDOZA                                                        RUBÉN HINOJOSA


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ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON                                     DONALD PAYNE


_____________________________                                ______________________________

TIM HOLDEN                                                                  FRANK PALLONE


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ROBERT ANDREWS                                                       DANNY DAVIS


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RAÚL GRIJALVA                                                            PETER DEFAZIO


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NEIL ABERCROMBIE                                                     SAM FARR


_____________________________                                ______________________________

TOM LANTOS                                                                 JAMES OBERSTAR


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GENE TAYLOR                                                               CHET EDWARDS


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C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER                                    JIM MORAN


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RICK BOUCHER                                                             RICHARD NEAL


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CHRIS JOHN                                                                   DALE KILDEE


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MAX SANDLIN                                                               DENNIS KUCINICH


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WILLIAM JEFFERSON                                                   SHERROD BROWN


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NICK RAHALL                                                                DIANA DEGETTE


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JIM MCDERMOTT                                                          SHEILA JACKSON LEE


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XAVIER BECERRA                                                         ELIOT ENGEL


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BARNEY FRANK                                                            MARTIN MEEHAN


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ROBERT WEXLER                                                          MAURICE HINCHEY


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MARION BERRY                                                             ED MARKEY


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ED PASTOR                                                                     JIM MATHESON


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ANNA ESHOO                                                                JERROLD NADLER


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TIM BISHOP                                                                    SOLOMON ORTIZ


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ROBERT MATSUI                                                           GENE GREEN


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MIKE THOMPSON                                                         STEPHEN LYNCH


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JOHN DINGELL                                                              JOHN TIERNEY


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ROSA DELAURO                                                            LOIS CAPPS


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BRAD CARSON                                                              JIM COOPER


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ROBERT MENENDEZ                                                     MICHAEL MCNULTY


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MIKE ROSS                                                                     JIM MCGOVERN


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BETTY MCCOLLUM                                                      LYNN WOOLSEY


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LINCOLN DAVIS                                                            BOBBY SCOTT


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BART GORDON                                                              JOSEPH CROWLEY


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MIKE DOYLE                                                                  KEN LUCAS



                                                                                          ADAM SCHIFF



cc:     Honorable C.W. Bill Young

               Chairman, Committee on Appropriations

         Honorable David Obey

               Ranking Democratic Member, Committee on Appropriations

         Honorable James T. Walsh

               Chairman, Subcommittee on VA, HUD and Independent Agencies

         Honorable Alan B. Mollohan

               Ranking Democratic Member, Subcommittee on VA, HUD and Independent Agencies