Rep. Mica Statement on Immigration Reform Proposals

     I wanted to take this opportunity to provide my views on proposals to deal with the problem of illegal aliens in our country and the need for meaningful immigration reform.

     Let me first say that I strongly oppose any attempts to give legal status or grant blanket amnesty to those who have entered our country illegally. I believe that we must act now to strengthen immigration enforcement and secure our borders. The first step in gaining control of our borders is to begin tough enforcement of existing laws. Those who enter illegally must be removed immediately instead of spending taxpayer dollars to provide them with legal counsel and a distant court date.

     It is also vital in my opinion to end all of the benefits for illegal aliens and their dependants. We must stop welfare aid and health care benefits to illegals that are often better than the assistance provided to needy Americans and veterans. It is critical that we cut federal benefits for illegals that act as a magnet attracting them to our country. Please know that as the House and Senate go to conference on these issues I will continue to stand firm in my position that our nation must not become a haven for those who enter our country illegally and continue to break our laws.

     Finally, let me say that while I strongly oppose any benefits, amnesty, or legal status for those who have entered illegally I do support legal immigration that has made this such a great nation. All of my grandparents came to America legally, without government assistance, and worked hard for their citizenship to give their families opportunities and freedom in our great country. That legal process is what we must maintain.