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Ginny visits with doctors and patients about the quality of their health care


Washington, D.C., Jun 16 -

We all work hard throughout our lives in pursuit of the American dream.  We make a career, build a home, raise a family, and through it all look forward to retiring in peace.  Whether you desire tranquil days or traveling the world, the golden years should be the reward of a productive life. 

The reality for many, however, is much different.  Nursing home costs can be upwards of $60,000 per year if a person does not have insurance, and home healthcare costs can sometimes reach $20,000 per year.  Many people do not know of these costs, wrongly think Medicare will cover them, or chose to deny them.  For these retirees who do not plan, either their care falls on the backs of their children or on the government through Medicaid. 

Today, almost 1/3 of Medicaid spending goes toward high-cost nursing home care for seniors.  In most states, including Florida, Medicaid consumes state budgets and competes with other important programs like education and transportation infrastructure.  With resources stretched like this, lawmakers should not add more to the program, but rather they should enact innovative reforms that will guarantee quality service to all who need it.  

Florida is leading the nation in this endeavor.  State lawmakers are working with the federal government to move away from a one-size-fits-all Medicaid program.  Innovatively, Florida is working with managed care plans to provide individualized services through managed care plans.  These plans will provide medical coverage for specific medical problems, such as kidney disease or cancer treatments, and tailored prescription drug plans. 

In Congress, I am working to encourage those who are not yet retired to start planning, today.  Nursing home and healthcare costs should be part of any long-term retirement plan, but they are usually overlooked.  For this reason, I introduced H.R. 4104, the Fairness in Long-Term Care Tax Credit.  This bill encourages everyone, regardless of age, to plan for nursing home costs by providing a tax credit to those who purchase long-term care insurance today. 

When resources are already limited, promising more healthcare coverage to people who may not need it is not the answer.  However, giving people the tools to plan for their own needs is.  I will continue to work with the State of Florida and Congress to ensure that working people today have these tools, and to ensure that seniors receive the quality health care they deserve.  

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