United States Congressman, Jeff MillerUnited States Congressman, Jeff MillerUnited States Congressman, Jeff Miller
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United States Congressman, Jeff Miller
Remarks in support of the 2007 Defense Appropriations Bill
June 20th, 2006
Thank you Mr. Cole. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the Fiscal Year 2007 Defense Appropriations Bill. I congratulate Chairman Young and the entire Defense Subcommittee on their hard work in support of our fighting men and women. I would also like to thank the Chairman for continuing the close relationship between the defense appropriators and authorizers.

This is a fiscally responsible bill that falls within its limits as set forth by the Budget Act and is $4 billion, or 1% less than the President’s request for defense funding. We are in the fifth year of the War on Terror and as is the case during times of conflict, Members of Congress work to balance funding for the troops and their immediate needs while ensuring the long term outlook of the military and our national security strategy needs are not forgotten. This bill achieves that balance.

It is unfortunate that many on the other side of the aisle, in both the House and Senate, wish to use this bill to politicize the Iraq war and undermine the efforts of our troops. The Commander-in-Chief has the right and the responsibility to defend our nation and I oppose any attempts to tie his hands through unnecessary legislation.

I yield back the balance of my time.
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June 2006 Floor Speechess Previous Month previous yearnext year
20th - current Floor Speeches
15th - Remarks on the Global War on Terrorism, H.Res. 861
12th - Recognition of 36 years of service by Pastor Glyn Lowery to the Pace Assembly of God
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