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Mar 08, 2006

Summary of Amendment Submitted to the Rules Committee on

(in alphabetical order)


(summaries derived from information provided by sponsors)

Baird (WA)/Hooley (OR)/Cardoza (CA) #10 
Directs the Director of ONDCP, in consultation with other federal agencies, to convene an international summit on the threat of methamphetamine and synthetic drug precursor chemicals. The Director shall do so to intensify and coordinate an effective international response along with other affected countries in order to prevent methamphetamine production and precursor diversion. Provides that the Director must carry out the amendment within 12 months from the enactment of the bill.  Provides an authorization of $1 million for this purpose.

Bean (IL) #16
Requires the GAO to conduct a study on the unintended affects of the illegal use, trade, and distribution of medications for the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, such as Adderall and Ritalin, among college students.

Boozman (AR) #18
Ensures that the effects of illicit drug abuse on children of substance abusers are considered in the annual National Drug Control Strategy. Requires ONDCP to conduct a study and the President to report to Congress on drug court programs that conduct hearings in nontraditional public places, such as schools.

Boozman (AR) #19
Requires ONDCP to conduct a study and the President to report to Congress on drug court programs that conduct hearings in nontraditional public places, such as schools. WITHDRAWN
Boswell (IA)/Cannon (UT)/Calvert (CA)/Larsen (WA) #12
Commission studies on: State Drug Endangered Children programs focusing on meth and report back to Congress within 6 months with recommendations for a Nat. Drug Endangered Children policy; Comparing state precursor control laws and report back to Congress within 6 months with a list of best practices with respect to such laws. Creates an Internet Meth Clearing House to provide current info to, and to facilitate info sharing among, Fed, State, and local agencies about meth trafficking, abuse, treatment, and abuse prevention. Commissions a report on: what schools have initiated drug testing among those schools attending ONDCP conferences on drug testing; the meth epidemic, detailing the spread of meth usage broken down by three-digit zip code based on industrial and school drug tests and clandestine lab seizures; who received performance bonuses at ONDCP and for how much from October 2004 until present. Mandates the ONDCP Synthetic Drug Action Plan be reported to Congress by 3/31/06.

Chabot (OH) #20
Commissions studies on: State Drug Endangered Children programs focusing on meth and report back to Congress within 6 months with recommendations for a Nat. Drug Endangered Children policy; Comparing state precursor control laws and report back to Congress within 6 months with a list of best practices with respect to such laws. Creates a National Methamphetamine Information Clearinghouse (NMIC), creating a “one-stop shop” to promote sharing “best practices” information regarding successful law enforcement, treatment, prevention, environmental, social services, and other programs related to the production, use, or effects of methamphetamine among agencies and the public looking to fight all, or any aspects of meth production and abuse. Website will enable groups to submit what has worked in their local communities. Additionally, there will be information and links regarding available grants for establishing and maintaining anti-meth programs. Commissions a report on: what schools have initiated drug testing among those schools attending ONDCP conferences on drug testing; the meth epidemic, detailing the spread of meth usage broken down by three-digit zip code based on industrial and school drug tests and clandestine lab seizures; who received performance bonuses at ONDCP and for how much from October 2004 until present. Mandates the ONDCP Synthetic Drug Action Plan be reported to Congress. LATE

Cuellar (TX) #17
Directs the ONDCP to conduct a study of the incidences of kidnapped, killed, and missing Americans along the U.S.-Mexico border and report to Congress on how to prevent such crimes.

Filner (CA) #2
Instructs the ONDCP to develop a strategy to combat border tunnels for drug trafficking and to recommend to Congress a criminal penalty for digging or using border tunnels for such acts.

Graves (MO) #1
Requires the ONDCP to submit a report to Congress explaining its participation in and support of a conference addressing harm reduction in methamphetamine abuse, not prevention. Additionally, ONDCP must explain what management and reporting systems ONDCP will change to ensure that the Administration is more supportive of efforts fighting the methamphetamine epidemic.

Hooley (OR) #14
Requires ONDCP to submit to Congress a comprehensive strategy that addresses the increased threat from methamphetamine and includes interdiction and precursor chemical controls, demand reduction, treatment and efforts to prevent the diversion of precursor chemicals on an international level.

Hooley (OR) #15
Directs the Office of National Drug Control Policy to conduct a study on State initiatives that divert individuals convicted of non-violent first or second time drug possession charges from incarceration to drug treatment programs. ONDCP shall study the economic effectiveness and recidivism rates from these drug treatment programs.
Jackson-Lee (TX) #8
Requires the ONDCP to perform an assessment of illicit drug and alcohol use by children, and appropriate intervention methods. Requires ONDCP to report to Congress on its assessment. The amendment specifies items to assess that were not considered by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, such as the role of Federal, state, and local criminal justice systems in providing intervention.
Latham (IA) #5
Amends the Controlled Substance Act to provide a civil remedy for anyone harmed, either directly or indirectly by an individual's drug use. The amendment would hold any person who manufactures or distributes a controlled substance in violation of the Controlled Substance Act liable for any party harmed by the use of that controlled substance; however, an individual user wishing to file suit under this statute would be required to disclose information regarding their drug sources to narcotics agents.
Lungren (CA) #11
Requires the Director of ONDCP to provide for a program that advises states on establishing laws and policies to address alcohol and other drug issues, as well as drafting and revising model state drug laws. Authorizes $1,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 through 2011 for that purpose.
Lynch (MA) #9
Directs the ONDCP to request the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences to enter into an agreement under which the Institute agrees to conduct a study on iatrogenic addiction associated with oxycodone hydrochloride controlled-release tablets and directs the ONDCP to report to Congress on the study. REVISED
Lynch (MA) #3
Establishes a program within the National Youth AntiDrug Media Campaign that focuses on the prevention of illegal prescription drug abuse among our youth.
Paul (TX) #22
Restricts the ONDCP from taking action related to the ability of a physician to prescribe or administer drugs for pain. LATE
Paul (TX) #23
Strikes the provision of the bill relating to the rank of the Director of the ONDCP. LATE
Paul (TX) #24
Provides that the act shall not be in effect after September 30, 2011. LATE
Rehberg (MT)/Boozman (AR)/King (IA)/Capito (WV)/Souder (IN)/Graves (MO) #6
Ensures that no less than 10% of national media campaign funds will be expended on advertisements specifically intended to reduce methamphetamine use. Grants the Director the authority to award grants to private entities producing research-based public service messages, with the goal of reducing first-time meth use among young people. Funds may be redirected if domestic meth lab seizures decrease by at least 75% from the 2006 level.
Renzi (AZ) #4
Directs the ONDCP to report to Congress on the representation of tribal governments in the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program and in high intensity drug trafficking areas designated under that program. The report shall include a list of tribal governments represented, an explanation of the rationale for the level of representation, and recommendations by the director for the methods for increasing the number of tribal governments represented in the Program.
Souder (IN) #7
Manager's Amendment. Makes technical and conforming changes to account for changes in law within the jurisdiction of those Committees that waived formal business meetings on the bill. Strikes the mandatory restrictions on certification of budgets related to enforcement in certain contexts of the ‘‘Drug Free Student Loan’’ provision. REVISED
Terry (NE) #21
Expresses the sense of the Congress that the ONDCP has failed in its responsibilities to carry out an effective national drug control strategy, particularly in failing to recognize meth as the new emerging drug threat to our Nation, and calls for new leadership of this office. LATE
Terry (NE) #25
Directs the ONDCP to consult with the head of each major national organization that represents law enforcement officers, agencies, or associations, prior to making recommendations to the President on the national budget for drug control and enforcement each year. LATE

Waters (CA) #13
Adds a paragraph to the contents of the National Drug Control Policy strategy that calls for the development of objectives for reducing drug overdoses and the spread of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.

U.S. House of Representatives
Committee on Rules
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Washington, DC 20515
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