Veterans Corner

November 2006

Dear Friends:

This week our nation will pay tribute on Veterans Day to all of those men and women who have so nobly served our country in the armed forces.  These brave soldiers have defeated fascism and communism, and protected democracy at home and around the world.  We are eternally appreciative of their sacrifices, and this week we thank them. 

However, with over twenty-four million veterans in the United States and hundreds of thousands of troops deployed overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, it is important that we not limit our attention to veterans and their needs not only on Veterans Day. 

Consequently, I am glad to see that Congress has made our veterans a top priority in the Fiscal Year 2007 Veterans Affairs & Military Quality of Life Appropriations bill, which will be finalized in the coming weeks.  Not only does this bill increase funding for veterans by nearly $42 billion, it specifically increases mandatory veterans' benefits by $4.2 billion above last year's levels. Another important element to this bill is that it does not include provisions recommended by the President to increase co-payments and enrollment fees for veterans. Additionally, this bill increases funding for prosthetic research, mental health services, and dental care. Also, this bill requires the VA to establish, at minimum, 10 new health clinics in 2007 to help with the back up in service at VA hospitals across the country.

Finally, my office is happy to help any veterans who are having difficulty obtaining their benefits or receiving proper health care.  If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my District office at (312) 886-0481.   


Veterans' Resources

There are more than twenty-five million veterans alive today and new veterans are returning home from duty overseas daily.  These brave men and women have given much to protect the ideals and way of life that we enjoy in the United States.  In light of the sacrifices made by our veterans, Congressman Lipinski strongly believes that as a nation we have an obligation to prioritize the veteran healthcare system, ensure access to educational opportunities and home loan programs. 

Congressman Dan Lipinski is committed to our nation's veterans. His legislative priorities for 3rd district veterans include ending the disabled veterans' tax, ensuring that all veterans have continued and improved access to VA healthcare facilities, and assisting 3rd district veterans with receiving access to support services to which they are entitled.

Please use the information and links listed on this page to aid you in receiving the veteran benefits you deserve.  And as always, please do not hesitate to contact any of my offices with any questions or comments you might have.     

 United States Department of Veterans Affairsheader-banner-whole 
 Department of Veterans Affairs- Illinois Division hd_montage_section
 Veterans History Project
 House Committee on Veterans Affairs

 Veterans Day

 Home Loan Guaranty Services
 Office of Personnel & Management - Veterans Employment
 GI Bill of Rights
 Disabled American Veterans
 Veterans of Foreign Wars
 Veterans of Foreign Wars - Illiniois Division
 Veterans and Small Business Opportunities