Office of the Speaker, J. Dennis Hastert
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Top Issues

graphic, economy issue, dollar billEconomy - The Founding Fathers of our country were opposed to excessive and intrusive government and wanted to gain economic independence from the old English monarchy. Similar to the patriots who dumped tea into Boston Harbor, today’s American families are fed up with unfair taxation. With the economic leadership of President Bush and Republican Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, American families will now have more financial independence with the enactment of The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003.

Many Americans ask: What will this do for me? Well, the answer is plain and simple. As a result of this comprehensive economic growth package, Americans will see an across the board reduction in their tax burden. In fact, more than 91 million Americans will see an average tax cut of $1,126.(Read On..)


photo, education section, speaker hastert with a member of the communityEducation - “I wish every student well as you take the next step in your journey towards educational excellence. Have a great year and good luck with your studies!”

As summer break ends and the new school year begins, children across America are gearing up to go back into the classroom once again. Teachers, students and parents in every community are preparing for the start of the new school year. Books, backpacks, pens and pencils need to be bought and lessons plans need to be made.

I have always believed that getting a good quality education provides a stepping-stone for those who wish to achieve success in anything they wish to pursue in the future. This is why it is so important that everyone, regardless of age, income or any other background, should have the opportunity to receive a good quality education, taught by highly qualified teachers. (Read On..)


photo, health section, speaker hastert at prescription drug conferenceHealth Care - I have worked on health care issues in the Congress for more than a decade. Bob Michel put me on Mrs. Clinton’s Health Care Task Force back in 1993. Newt Gingrich asked me to deal with the issue of health insurance portability in 1995. And in every Congress that I have presided as Speaker, this House has passed a prescription drug benefit as part of an effort to modernize Medicare.

We have a chance to take the most dramatic step in health care reform in the last 25 years. Some of my friends on the other side of the aisle say that we don’t spend enough. That is not surprising because they think that we never spend enough. And some of my friends on my side of the aisle believe we spend too much. That is also not very surprising, given their philosophical beliefs. (Read on...)


photo, homeland security section, speaker hastert with tom ridgeHomeland Security - People ask me all the time what it is that their government is doing to protect America from another terrorist attack. When folks back home ask me this question, I usually draw from what I had personally witnessed in my Capitol office about two years ago, on September 11, 2001. When I saw the smoke go over the Potomac River from the plane that hit the Pentagon, I knew that something horrific had happened. And then after I was informed of the actions that America’s enemies had taken to try and shake our spirit and inflict pain and suffering on our people, I knew that we must not sit back and let this ever happen again. (Read On..)


Defending Freedom At Home and Abroad In 1941, Great Britain was faced with the great task of defending itself against the ruthless forces of Adolf Hitler. At the time, Prime Minister Winston Churchill called on America to help his country’s survival against this evil power. Desperately in need for more war supplies, Winston Churchill pleaded to then President Franklin D. Roosevelt to “…give us the tools and we will finish the job.”

America is now in a similar situation, but with a different enemy. Just as Winston Churchill called upon his American counterpart to help Great Britain succeed in its fight against an evil dictator, President Bush now calls upon all Americans to give him the tools he needs to finish the job in Iraq. (Read On..)


photo, fulfilling americas promise section, clip photo of american flag and people salutingFulfilling America's Promise - Everyday, we’re empowering and providing more opportunities to every community. Our party’s focus is crucial to all our communities. We’ re working with all of America’s leaders to best serve our nation’s diverse communities. Better results are translated through our initiatives to strengthen education, families, create jobs, economic security, and promote home ownership.

Over the past few months, the Republican House Leadership has been working to make sure that these goals are not a dream, but a reality. Below, the House Republican Conference has listed a few of our accomplishments for empowering every American community for the 108th Congress.(Read On..)


Drug Task Force - The Speaker’s Task Force for a Drug-Free America was created in 1998 for Speaker Newt Gingrich. At the time, Dennis Hastert was chairman of the House Government Reform and Oversight Subcommittee on National Security, International Affairs and Criminal Justice. In 1999, when he assumed the speakership, Dennis Hastert made a commitment to continue America’s fight against illegal drugs through this active task force. (Read On..)

Energy - The Department of Energy has launched a Smart Energy Communication Campaign to help reduce summer demand for electricity. An increasing amount of electricity generated today is derived from natural gas, and today natural gas supplies in underground storage are lower than they have been at this time during the past five years. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham has expressed concern that lower-than-usual reserves going into next winter could result in price spikes. Therefore, DOE is encouraging the nation's energy consumers to be "energy smart" and apply the latest innovations and technologies to reduce energy consumption...and save money. (Read On...)


photo, american flag  graphic, seal for the speaker of the house with the year seventeen eighty nine  graphic, illinois flag