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A Homeland Security Information Network - Critical Infrastructure Pilot Program
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

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Registration Announcment
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Homeland Security Information Network - Critical Infrastructure Pilot Program

Effective cooperation between the private and public sectors is required to protect this nation's critical infrastructure, the majority of which is controlled and operated by the private sector. The HSIN CI pilot program enables participation and representation in homeland security issues through private and public regional governances in conjunction with local, state, and federal partners.

HSIN CI Pilot is an unclassified network and governance program providing a nation-wide platform that enables the sharing of essential homeland security information with the proper stakeholders. This information sharing is accomplished both horizontally across the government and vertically among federal, state and local governments, private sector and citizens as outlined in the President's National Strategy for Homeland Security..

  • HSIN CI significantly increases the exchange of unclassified information to critical infrastructure owners and operators and the private sector.

  • HSIN CI is locally governed and administered by subject matter experts and decision makers from both the private and public sector with the support of Federal Regional Coordinators.

  • HSIN CI provides a tangible tool to engage the community in homeland security by supporting locally relevant information sharing with a direct pipeline to and from the federal government.

  • HSIN CI delivers information sharing, alert notification services to the right people - those that need to know, and those that need to act.

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