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         Flag Requests
  Rep. Myrick's office provides the service of flying US Flags over the Capitol Building.  In order to get a flag from our office it must be flown over the Capitol. We do not sell US flags without having them flown. 

Please fill out the form below and mail it, along with the check, to Rep. Myrick's Charlotte, NC office.  This way the form and the check are together so that there is no confusion about your flag order.    Also, please make sure that you get the order form and check to Rep. Myrick's Charlotte office at least 7 working days before the date you want the flag flown.  This ensures we get your flag in a timely manner.

Please type your information directly on the form, and use the print button at the bottom of the form.  This will ensure it is printed clearly so there are no errors.  If you do not have Adobe Reader to view the form, please click here for a free download.   

Flag Request Form  

*Please note that once the flag is flown it takes up to five to six weeks delivery time.  This allows the US flag office to process the flag, and its certificate. For questions regarding flag orders please call one of Rep. Myrick's offices. 


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