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Here you will find many links to resources that will help you find Legislation before Congress.  You may search for bills, look at the House calendar to see what the legislative schedule is, view what is taking place in various committees, and link to the main site of both the House and Senate.  Should you ever need more information please contact Rep. Myrick's Washington, DC office at (202) 225-1976, or e-mail Rep. Myrick, and she will be happy to get you the information you desire.
      Hot Topics
This website offers insight to where Rep. Myrick stands on the issues her constituents contact her about the most, as well as updated information on what Congress has done on those issues. 

      Bills and Resolutions
This website allows you to search for Congressional legislation that has been introduced, as well as the summary and status of the legislation.

This website will allow you to see the votes taken in the House and Senate.  If you do not understand how to read this information click here for guidance.

       Thomas - The Library of Congress
On this site you can search for bills, roll call votes, and public laws.  This is helpful to locate the status, and text, of legislation that might be important to you.  You may also look at Rep. Myrick's voting record on this site.

      U.S. House of Representatives
The official website of the U.S. House of Representatives.

      Legislation Being Considered on the House Floor
A listing of legislation and Floor proceedings courtesy of the Office of the Clerk.

      This Week on the House Floor
The schedule the House intends to consider this week.

      House Calendar
A summary overview of when the House will be in session and expected times for debate.

      Committee on Energy and Commerce
Link to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce website that gives up to date information on what the Committee is considering. Rep. Myrick is currently on this committee.

      Committee Central
Committee Central provides analysis of upcoming legislation on the House floor.

      U.S. Senate
The official website of the U.S. Senate.
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