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  Rep. Myrick wants to serve you any way she can. This site is designed to help you cut through the red tape of bureaucracy -- whether you need help with a federal agency, are trying to find out if federal grants are available for your project, or are considering applying to a service academy. Rep. Myrick hopes the information in this section will be helpful to you.
Business Information and Job Resource Center
This page has links to job openings in the 9th District, as well as information and statistics that may be helpful to businesses wanting to locate in Gaston, Mecklenburg, or Union County.

Congressional Page Nominations
Information on how to become a Congressional Page.

Consumer Protection Center
Information on how to protect yourself from consumer scams and deceptive schemes.

Contact Information
Contact information for Rep. Myrick's offices
Flag Requests
Information on how to get a flag flown over the Capitol.

Help With Federal Grants
A listing of federal grant sources and links to appropriate websites.
Help With Student Financial Aid
A link for students needing information on Financial Aid.
    Problems with housing vouchers, federal loan programs and HUD.
Immigration and Naturalization
We help with naturalization applications, immigrant and non-immigrant petitions for relatives and adjustment of status applications that are delayed or lost.

Internal Revenue Service
A listing of IRS links to help you, as well as information regarding what help Rep. Myrick's office can provide.
Internship Information
Information on Representative Myrick's Internship program.

Getting passports in an emergency, replacing lost passports and getting information about overseas travel requirements.

Presidential Greetings
Information describing the process by which constituents can request presidential greetings.
Scheduling Requests
Information on how to obtain a meeting with Representative Myrick, or have Representative Myrick come meet with your group.

Service Academy Nominations
Information detailing the requirements and process for obtaining a nomination to one of the service academies.

Social Security and Disability Benefits
Social Security retirement and disability benefits or missing checks are things we help with often.

Veterans and Active Military
Problems with veterans benefits, eligibility determinations, VA home loans, and replacements of medals earned.

Washington Visitor's Guide
Information and links to popular DC Tourist sites, as well as a list of tours the office can help set up for families, and groups.

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