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Manufacturing Initiative

The manufacturing sector in this country faces many challenges.  While there are several major issues that policy makers on the federal level could address that would improve the business environment for manufactures, many of these are highly contentious and unlikely to be resolved in a timely manner. 

Let me be clear, we must not abandon big-ticket items, such as the energy bill or lawsuit abuse reform.  However, I am afraid that, realistically, they stand as long-term goals at this point.  At the very least, it will take longer to accomplish than you or I would like.

But that doesn’t mean we should be discouraged.  While we press these larger issues, we have to re-focus our efforts on meaningful goals that can be achieved in the shorter term. 

I firmly believe that we can turn our attention to those items whose smaller investments reap large rewards for our manufacturers and garner strong bipartisan support.  It is all about improving the environment for manufacturers in this country. 

Below are four issues on which I am focused for my manufacturing initiative.  As I add new items to the initiative, this page will be updated.

Stop Counterfeiting in Manufactured Goods Act

The Manufacturing Extension Partnership


Fundamental Fairness in the AD/CVD Sunset Review Process