Cardin and House Democrats Issue Call for Action On China Trade Policy

President Hu’s visit is an opportunity for U.S. to stand up for American workers, businesses by enforcing current trade laws

WASHINGTON, DC - In anticipation of Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to Washington, D.C. a group of senior House Ways and Means Democrats sent the attached letter to President Bush outlining a number of areas for future action on trade policy. China is one of the most important trading partners of the United States, and President Hu’s visit presents a unique opportunity for the two nations to address major issues and forge an enhanced trade relationship.  

Specifically, the Democrats’ letter asks Bush to press President Hu for immediate action to address China’s longstanding unfair trade practices, including its currency manipulation, flagrant piracy of intellectual property, unreasonable restrictions on market access, and continued reliance on industrial subsidies and industrial policies to promote exports. 

Further, the letter stresses the need for action to correct the growing U.S. trade deficit with China.  This deficit has more than doubled in five years - growing from $84 billion in 2000, to $202 billion in 2005.  Democrats believe this trend is unacceptable and unsustainable, as the United States has had to borrow massive amounts of money from foreign countries to fund this deficit and has now accumulated more than $2.2 trillion in foreign debt. 

Despite recent statements from the Administration and Republicans in Congress, the US has not acted on China’s violations of international trade laws.  Simply accepting vague promises such as those offered again yesterday by China will only result in further record trade deficits, reflecting lost market opportunities for U.S. companies and inflict tremendous harm to U.S. workers, farmers, manufacturers and businesses.

The following members signed the attached letter to President Bush:
Rep. Rangel
Rep. Cardin
Rep. Levin
Rep. Lewis (GA)
Rep. Neal 
Rep. McNulty
Rep. Jefferson      
Rep. Becerra
Rep. Pomeroy
Rep. Tubbs Jones
Rep. Larson
Rep. Thompson

PDF of letter is attached.

Letter to President Regarding China