Statement by Rep. Cardin on Dutch Leadership of OSCE

I join the Chairman and Co-Chairman in welcoming Foreign Minister de Hoop Scheffer. We appreciate having the opportunity to discuss with you the many critical issues facing the OSCE and I want to thank you for your leadership.

I also want to thank you for your hospitality and your participation in the Annual Meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Rotterdam in July. In my view, it is essential that the delegations in Vienna and the members of the Parliamentary Assembly work more closely togther as we face the challenges ahead.

Mr. Minister, I commend you for your focus on implementing the Charter on Terrorism and combating trafficking in human beings, drugs and arms. Clearly, trafficking in human beings is modern day slavery and an egregious violation of human rights. It destroys human beings and destabilizes the societies and economies of the region. The work of this year’s Economic Forum and the adoption of the Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings will assist the OSCE states in countering this scourge. Chairman Smith is the guiding light here in the U.S. Congress in fighting trafficking in human beings. He recently reintroduced his Trafficking Victims Protection Act which will further strengthen U.S. law and programs to punish the traffickers and save the victims.

During the Parliamentary Assembly in Rotterdam my colleagues elected me to Chair the Committee on Economic Affairs, Science and Technology, for which I am deeply honored. I will be working closely with the Vice-Chair and Rapporteur of the Committee and members of the Assembly to focus our work on issues and strategies that will serve to enhance the economic and environmental dimension of the OSCE. I believe that the work of the Parliamentary Assembly should support and enhance the work of the OSCE and its missions. I would therefore appreciate receiving your views, Mr. Minister, on what contribution the OSCE can make to enhancing sustainable economic and environmental development throughout the region.

Mr. Minister, thank you again for appearing before us. I look forward to hearing you assessment of the current state of affairs in the OSCE region as well as your vision for the future of the organization.