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Time Traveler

A. Bill with John Quincy Adams graphicTime Warp: People
You have chosen Time Warp: PEOPLE! A. Bill has traveled back in time to discover fun facts about the people who have served as Members in the House of Representatives. Though all representatives have contributed to the legislative process, A. Bill will introduce you to a few representatives who have served as Presidents, been House building namesakes, and had interesting nicknames!

Since the U.S. Congress first convened on March 4, 1789:

bullet 11,707 Members have served as representatives, senators, or both

bullet 9,835 Members have served in the House of Representatives only

bullet 1,238 Members have served in the Senate only

bullet 634 Members have served in both chambers of Congress

portrait of John Quincy Adams
portrait of Joseph Gurney Cannon
House building namesakes
portrait of Daniel Webster
Interesting nicknames

To learn about other Members of Congress, check out the following in-depth report.

In-depth Report icon Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress (Clerk)

Parents & Teachers
Tools for Learning

Did You Know?
A Little Known Fact
What is an "engrossed" bill? Find out in How A Bill Becomes a Law.

Check This Out!

What did the Capitol look like in 1841? See an artistic rendering of the view in Historical Highlights.

Glossary Terms
Key Words
Use the glossary to learn key terms.

House Chamber
Roll Call

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