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Earl Blumenauer Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Representing Oregon's 3rd District St. John's Bridge
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 Related Floor Speeches
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Lewis and Clark Expedition Bicentennial Commemorative Coin Act
Improving fish passage at the Chiloquin Dam
In Support of Warm Springs Tribal Rights
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 Related Press Releases
Blumenauer Introduces Resolution Honoring 150th Anniversary of 1855 Tribal Treaties
Blumenauer Pushes for Tribal Historic Preservation Funding
Blumenauer Announces Grant for Native American Health Care
House Funds Celilo Village Rehabilitation and Salmon Mitigation Study
Blumenauer Announces Grant for Native American Education
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Oct 30, 2001

Mr. Speaker, I rise to join my colleague from eastern Oregon in support of this legislation, and I am pleased to cosponsor it along with the gentleman.

Mr. Speaker, we have a special obligation as Members of this assembly to be sensitive to the needs of Native Americans. Sadly, the history of the United States brings no great credit to the Government or this body, and there have been many lost opportunities. I rise in support of H.R. 483 because it is one way to seize an opportunity and do the right thing.

H.R. 483 gives the Warm Springs Tribe the same control over their sovereign lands that other governments already enjoy. This act will allow the Warm Springs Tribal Government to lease its own land in the same manner that the Cherokee Nation and State and local jurisdictions have for years.

Certainly the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation in Oregon have shown that they have earned this right. They are located on the largest land holding in our State. They have a long history of excellent official relationships with State and Federal authorities in Oregon. They operate their own tribal courts, health system, educational facilities, and law enforcement agencies. They have been leaders in economic development initiatives of which this provision would enable another chapter to move forward.

I have been pleased to work with the tribe in times past. I think it is high time for us to allow the tribe to express similar leadership that they have over their own land. The second provision approves the agreement by the tribes with General Electric to regulate projects on its land. As has been pointed out, this has been a long time in the making. It was approved a year and a half ago, and its time for Congress to add its seal of approval. I strongly urge my colleagues to vote for passage of H.R. 483.

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