House - Respuestas verdaderas, ahora.
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Appropriations Watch

Budget appropriations is the crucial and serious process by which the Government of the United States funds its various departments, agencies, government operations and by extension, its policies. Roughly one third of total federal spending for a fiscal year is accounted for in the appropriations process. The Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee see it as their duty to make sure that this money is spent wisely, judiciously, and with the best interests of the American people in mind.

Unfortunately, the Republican budget has provided the House Appropriations Committee a highly inadequate level of funding for key national priorities -- because it squanders billions and billions of dollars on unaffordable tax cuts for the most prosperous one percent of Americans. As a result, Republicans are the Appropriations Committee are writing appropriations bills that fail to adequately fund such key priorities for American families as:  veterans' health care; energy research, development and conservation; competitiveness; scientific research; homeland defense; public safety; and the environment.  Republicans have also attempted to attach unrelated and unpopular special interest items to crucial appropriations bills that must be passed.  For example, last year, Republicans attempted to attach both legislation opening up the Arctic Refuge to drilling and special favors for the pharmaceutical industry onto a wartime Defense Appropriations bill.

This year, Democrats on the Appropriations Committee have prepared key amendments to each of the appropriations bills that reflect the needs of middle-class Americans -- rather than the special interests.  The Democratic approach provides a modest, fiscally disciplined alternative to the inadequate Republican bills -- eliminating the unwise, unnecessary and wrong-headed real reductions in current services contained in the Republican approach.  The Democratic approach is fully paid for by scaling back the enormous Bush tax cuts for people who make over $1 million a year.  Democrats are offering credible appropriations alternatives that serve the values and priorities of the American people -- affordable health care; quality education; safe, affordable and renewable domestic energy sources; and a strong economy that benefits all working families, not just the wealthy few.

Democrats Tried to Increase Funding for Border Security, Republicans Objected

Veterans, Military Families, and Tradeoffs

Republicans Shortchange Clean Water, National Parks

President Would Cut Funding For Critical Healthcare Research

Republicans Push Deep Cuts to Military Quality of Life

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