House - Respuestas verdaderas, ahora.
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What type of investigation into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina do you favor?


An independent commission of experts


With Republicans in Congress investigating themselves


No investigation is necessary

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Abuse of Rules and Abuse of Power

Where Democracy Goes to Die

The House Committee on Rules is a procedural committee that has jurisdiction over "the rules and joint rules... and order of business of the House," and authority "to report at any time" on such matters. It assists the majority leadership in scheduling bills for floor action, giving some bills priority status for consideration in the House and establishing procedures for their debate and amendment. Unfortunately, under the current Republican leadership, the Rules Committee is too often now where Democracy goes to die.

House Democrats have repeatedly offered plans and policies that would make America a better, stronger, fairer place. But the Republican leadership is threatened by these ideas. So they do whatever they can to make sure amendments crafted by Democrats are never seriously considered, never reach the floor for a vote, and never see the light of day. The House Rules Committee has become their weapon of choice for killing the democratic process.


The Republican leadership has used and abused the Rules Committee to turn the US House of Representatives into a single-party rubber stamp for the Administration, where the needs and concerns of the minority party and the millions of Americans they represent are brushed to the side. At late night meetings, many of them closed to the public, a handful of congressmen are dictating the fate of our nation. And their decisions are not based on what’s best for the American people, but on what will make Republican party leaders happy.

Rules and Ethics Reform

Republicans Choose Snake Oil Over Substance on Lobbying Reform (5/3/2006)

All Democrats Must Vote Against Sham “Reform” Bill (5/3/2006)

109th Congress Rules Reform Package Summary  - H.Res. 686 (4/24/2006)

Democrats Continue Push for Ethics Reform in Congress (3/9/2006)

House Democrats Release Sweeping Ethics Reform Package (2/1/06)


Rules: Broken, Bent and Ignored

Rules Republicans' Message to America: Reform? We Don’t Need No Stinking Reform! (4/6/06)

Dreier’s Claims on the Rules Committee Don’t Match the Facts (2/9/06)

Based on History, Slaughter Questions Republican Commitment to Ethics Reform (1/11/06)

How Broken Rules Affect YOU

Congress Has Voted More Than 50 Times to Override State Laws (6/6/06)

Lobby Reform –

OMB Must Release Shirlington Limousine Records (5/26/06)

Full Retreat (4/27/06)

Republicans Choke (4/27/06)

Homeland Security and the Military –

Republicans Vote to Prevent Accountability in Iraq, Continue Our Dependence on Foreign Oil, and Raise Health Care Costs for Military Families (5/11/06)

House Rules Committee Reveals that Republicans have Repeatedly Refused to Consider Important 9/11 Commission Proposals and Homeland Security Reform Amendments (12/5/05)

Health –

Food Uniformity Act Undermines Safety of Consumers (3/8/06)

Politics Trump Science in Plan B Decision (11/15/05)

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