House - Respuestas verdaderas, ahora.
In English
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Empleos Y Economía

Nuestra Jubilación

Atención de la Salud

Seguridad Nacional

La Educación de Nuestros Hijos

El Medio Ambiente

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What type of investigation into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina do you favor?


An independent commission of experts


With Republicans in Congress investigating themselves


No investigation is necessary

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Science and Technology

Continuing a Tradition of Innovation and Discovery

The Innovation Agenda

Some things just make good sense - like federal investments in science and technology. Together, Americans have funded groundbreaking research into disease prevention and amazing new medical breakthroughs, cutting-edge business technology, energy efficiency, and educational tools that help our children learn in new ways.

There is a direct connection between investments in research and development today, and economic prosperity and world leadership tomorrow. That's why Democrat budget plan would continue to invest in the National Science Foundation, NASA, research at schools and universities; and new energy technologies to give business and consumers more affordable, cleaner energy. We understand the importance of the Advanced Technology Program and the Manufacturing Extension Program, which work with industry to develop cutting edge technologies and improve our manufacturing competitiveness.

In contrast, the Bush budget calls for drastically underfunding science and technology. Indeed, even Republicans on the Science Committee pointed out, "The level of funding proposed in the President's budget for research and development, especially basic research, is far from adequate."

The Republican budget cut even deeper - for example cutting Energy Department science programs by one-third, threatening cutting-edge research at universities and National Laboratories. Republicans recently passed a spending bill that eliminates the important Advanced Technology Program and slashes the Manufacturing Extension Program by two-thirds.

Republicans passed a spending bill that cuts educational technology programs - so important for our nation's children - by $300 million below the authorized level and eliminates a program providing technology training for teachers.

Perhaps most disturbing has been the President's practice of consistently choosing politics over science. Time and again the President and his allies and supporters in Congress have ignored, repressed and attempted to discredit experts in the science and medical fields in an effort to appease conservative extremists. This strategy will not only hold back our economy, but it also denies life saving technologies from millions of Americans.

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