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What type of investigation into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina do you favor?


An independent commission of experts


With Republicans in Congress investigating themselves


No investigation is necessary

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Rail and Transit Security

Nearly five years after the attacks on September 11th, America's transit systems remain vulnerable to a terrorist attack.  Democrats in Congress are promoting legislation that puts security first and calls on the Administration to fulfill its commitment to make our transit system more secure and Americans safer. 

The President's Record on Transportation Security

Since the attacks on September 11th, the President has failed to create a national transportation security plan and has called for cuts in transit and rail funding.  The 9/11 intelligence reform legislation directed the Department of Homeland Security to create a national strategy for transportation security by April 1.  This plan would identify national transportation assets, set risk-based priorities for their protection, assign responsibilities for their protection, and recommend appropriate levels and sources of funding for these efforts.  But the Administration has continually failed to meet this deadline, and America still lacks a comprehensive transit security plan. 

The President's fiscal year 2006 budget proposed the elimination of dedicated funding for transit and rail security grants and force rail and transit systems to compete for funds with ports and other transportation sectors -- under the current system, transportation sectors receive dedicated funding.  Ground transit alone is estimated to need approximately $6 billion in security investments, far more than the $150 milllion requested in the president's budget.

The Democratic Commitment to Transportation Security

Since the attacks on September 11th, Democrats in Congress have fought for increased funding and legislation to create a stronger and more effective rail and public transit security system.  Democrats have introduced key legislation that would create a railroad security plan, adequately fund rail security, ensure transportation security training, establish "best practices" for passenger transportation systems, increase public awareness, and strengthen employee protections.  These measures make critical investments in our national security by strengthening our rail and public transit security.

Listen to Democratic leaders discuss transit security and legislation to protect Americans from terrorism.

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