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What type of investigation into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina do you favor?


An independent commission of experts


With Republicans in Congress investigating themselves


No investigation is necessary

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Protecting Medicare

Democrats fought to create Medicare, which now provides health insurance to virtually every American over 65 and millions of younger people with disabilities. Under a Democratic Administration, the life of the Medicare Trust Fund was extended by 25 years. But Republican policies and an uncertain economy have undermined the strong progress made by Democrats. This year, the life of the Medicare Trust Fund actually was shortened by four years. And Medicare is currently projected to become insolvent in the middle of the retirement of the baby boom generation.

Democrats are fighting for responsible budget priorities that improve Medicare and honor our obligations to our parents without unduly burdening our children.

Protecting the Medicare Trust Fund. Democrats want to return the government to a path of fiscal responsibility. The government needs to get back to balanced budgets and fiscal discipline as soon as possible in order to protect the Medicare Trust Fund for future retirees.

Putting seniors first. Democrats know that protecting Medicare means putting the needs of current and future beneficiaries first. That's why we oppose risky Republican strategies that put HMOs, private insurance plans, and drug companies in charge of seniors' health care.

Disease prevention matters. Keeping seniors healthy improves lives and saves money. Democrats have fought to increase preventive benefits for seniors like flu shots and cancer screenings, and to add affordable, comprehensive prescription drug coverage.

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Many Americans are worried about retirement security, and whether the combination of Social Security, their 401(k) plan or pension, and their savings will be enough. And now, Republicans want to privatize Social Security, saying the program is no longer sustainable. This risky proposal threatens the only secure retirement income for millions of Americans.
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