House - Respuestas verdaderas, ahora.
In English
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Empleos Y Economía

Nuestra Jubilación

Atención de la Salud

Seguridad Nacional

La Educación de Nuestros Hijos

El Medio Ambiente

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What type of investigation into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina do you favor?


An independent commission of experts


With Republicans in Congress investigating themselves


No investigation is necessary

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National Service

Democrats believe that every citizen of every age and background can make a difference through national service. But over the past year, one of the programs that make this possible — AmeriCorps — has suffered a 40 percent cut in funding.

Democrats want to offer every American the chance to step forward with patriotism and pride to make a contribution and make a difference. The Democratic plan to promote national service includes:

Full funding for AmeriCorps. Democrats are fighting to provide an additional $100 million for AmeriCorps, helping more than 20,000 Americans provide vital services to our communities nationwide.
Expanding AmeriCorps to 175,000 members. Democrats have proposed to expand the number of AmeriCorps members to 175,000 over five years, an important step toward the goal of 1 million Americans serving every 4 years. The Democratic proposal would also increase the educational award received by volunteers by $525, to $5,250. 

Increasing the number of Peace Corps volunteers by 10,000. Democrats have proposed to expand the number of Peace Corps volunteers serving worldwide.

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Empleos y Economia
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