House - Respuestas verdaderas, ahora.
In English
Mapa del Sitio


InicialTemas EnfocadosSus InteresesPor EstadoNoticias y VistasAcerca de Nosotros

Cuadro Amplio

Empleos Y Economía

Nuestra Jubilación

Atención de la Salud

Seguridad Nacional

La Educación de Nuestros Hijos

El Medio Ambiente

Voto en Línea

What type of investigation into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina do you favor?


An independent commission of experts


With Republicans in Congress investigating themselves


No investigation is necessary

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Medical Privacy

Democrats believe that every American should feel safe that his or her medical information is protected from falling into the wrong hands. However, as more and more of our medical records are transmitted and shared electronically, the threats to our privacy have increased. Americans are feeling vulnerable to privacy violations.

Democrats successfully fought for a reasonable plan to put Americans back in control of their own medical records. The Democratic plan:

Informs consumers how their health information is being used. Democrats required health plans and providers to inform patients about how their information is being used and to whom it is disclosed.

Limits the release of private health information without consent. Democrats established a new federal requirement for doctors and hospitals to obtain patients' written consent to use their health information even for routine purposes, such as treatment and payment. Other, non-routine disclosures would require separate, specific patient authorization.

Gives patients access to their own health file and the right to request amendments or corrections. Democrats gave patients the right to see and copy their own records as well as the right to request correction of potentially harmful errors in their health files. These access and amendment rights are a core part of efforts to protect individual privacy. Without them, a person with an improper diagnosis in his or her medical file could be denied health insurance and left no redress.

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Atencion de la Salud
Temas Enfocados

Voces Estadounidenses

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