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House Committee on Veterans' Affairs - Home Chairman Steve Buyer this is an invisible spacer image
Proudly Serving America's Veterans [Image] Chairman Steve Buyer this is an invisible spacer image
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 About the Committee: Health Subcommittee this is an invisible spacer image


The Subcommittee on Health has legislative and oversight jurisdiction for the Department of Veterans Affairs’ health care system, programs and research apparatus. Over the past decade, VA has transformed the health care system to include over 600 health care facilities, including

E-Health and Telemedicine


Veterans' Budget

medical centers, nursing homes and hundreds of community-based outpatient clinics organized into service networks throughout the nation, now caring for an estimated 5.2 million veterans.  VA’s health care budget currently exceeds $30 billion per year. 

Recent hearings by the Subcommittee on Health have explored important matters such as the budget methodologies currently used by the VA to determine health care budgets for future years; veterans access to health care in rural areas of the United States; the enhanced use of telemedicine in treating veterans; cutting edge collaborative models of providing consistent, timely healthcare to veterans; and the increased incidence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) amongst soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

     Throughout the remainder of the 109th Congress, the Subcommittee intends to confront issues dealing with the development of a truly seamless transition of health related information between the Department of Defense and the VA; the continued integrity of the VA’s pharmaceutical delivery system (both in VA facilities and the consolidated mail outpatient pharmacies, or CMOPs); the quality of ongoing research initiatives inside VA; and other matters of concern to America’s veterans.

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