United States Senator - Wayne AllardUnited States Senator - Wayne Allard
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Comprehensive Enforcement and Immigration Reform Act of 2005
Date Introduced: 07/20/05
Bill Number: S.1438
Description: Senator Allard is a CO-SPONSOR of this legislation.

Comprehensive Enforcement and Immigration Reform Act of 2005 - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act, and sets forth other immigration-related provisions with respect to increases in funding, personnel, and technology at the federal, state, and local level for border enforcement and visa security, worksite enforcement, document integrity, immigration fraud, and detention and removal of illegal aliens.

Increases criminal penalties for alien smuggling, document fraud, gang violence, and drug trafficking.

Makes alien street gang members inadmissible.

Extends the institutional removal program (IRP) to all States.

Establishes in the Department of Justice of a position of Assistant Attorney General for Immigration Enforcement.

Authorizes state and local authorities to assist in immigration enforcement.

Provides: (1) penalties for false work-related citizenship claims, and for social security number misuse; (2) for mandatory electronic employment verification of U.S. workers; and (3) a new W-visa temporary worker category (and elimination of the H-2B temporary nonagricultural worker visa category).

Terminates the diversity visa program.
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