United States Senator - Wayne AllardUnited States Senator - Wayne Allard
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Collaboration for the Recovery of Endangered Species Act
Date Introduced: 12/15/05
Bill Number: S.2110
Description: Collaboration for the Recovery of Endangered Species Act - Amends the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) to revise the role of states and private landowners in the recovery of endangered species.

State Government Assistance in Recovery Act - Revises provisions of ESA allowing the Secretary of the Interior to enter into cooperative agreements with states for the recovery of endangered species.

Priority for Listing and Recovery Act - Revises provisions of ESA relating to the determination of endangered and threatened species to require the Secretary to establish: (1) a revised system of priorities for making endangered and threatened species determinations; (2) a schedule for making such determinations; and (3) revised recovery programs for the preservation of endangered species and recovery teams to implement such programs.

Incentives for Species Recovery Act - Establishes a system of conservation banks for the exchange of conservation credits by private landowners engaged in the recovery of endangered species.

Allows the issuance of provisions permits for the continuation of certain activities on potential endangered species habitats until a habitat conservation plan is approved.

Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow: (1) a tax deduction for credits purchased from a conservation bank; and (2) a tax credit for ESA-related conservation and recovery costs.

Amends the Health Forests Restoration Act of 2003 to protect landowners enrolled in certain ESA recovery plans from liability for incidental takings of endangered species.
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