United States Senator - Wayne AllardUnited States Senator - Wayne Allard
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Enhanced Safety from Wildfire Act of 2005
Date Introduced: 04/14/05
Bill Number: S.807
Description: Enhanced Safety from Wildfire Act of 2005 - Amends the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 with respect to fires that spread from forested Federal lands onto nonfederal lands and cause injuries or property loss. Assumes Federal responsibility for injuries or property loss resulting from such fires under the Federal Tort Claims Act and other Federal law pertaining to the United States as a defendant in District Court. Provides for exceptions in certain cases, including if: (1) the nonfederal land exceeds 6,400 acres and is being used for commercial timber production (unless the nonfederal land was being managed to achieve or maintain condition class 1 health status immediately before the fire); (2) the Federal land is a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System; or (3) the Federal land comprises less than 6,400 acres and is not contiguous to other Federal lands. States that Federal responsibility will apply in the case of injuries or property loss from a fire originating on National Forest System or Bureau of Land Management lands administered under the authorities of the O&C; Sustained Yield Act of 1937 and that comprise less than 6,400 acres.

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