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Military Death Gratuity bill
Date Introduced: 01/24/05
Bill Number: S.77
Description: Honoring Every Requirement of Exemplary Service Act of 2005 or HEROES Act of 2005 - Increases from $12,000 to $100,000 the death gratuity payable to the survivors of members of the Armed Forces who die: (1) as a direct result of armed conflict; (2) while engaged in hazardous service; (3) in the performance of duty under conditions simulating war; (4) through an instrumentality of war; or (5) in an operation or area designated as a combat operation or a combat zone.

Requires the Secretary of the military department concerned to pay an additional death gratuity of $238,000 for a member of the Armed Forces who died before the date of enactment of this Act as a direct result of one or more wounds, injuries, or illnesses that were: (1) incurred in the theater of operations of Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom; or (2) as a direct result of armed conflict, while engaged in hazardous service, in the performance of duty under conditions simulating war, or through an instrumentality of war on or after October 7, 2001.

Increases the maximum amount of life insurance coverage for a member of the armed forces under servicemembers' group life insurance. Provides for $150,000 additional life insurance with no deductible due from the member for combat-related deaths. Requires spousal approval for a member to elect not to have life insurance coverage or have less than the maximum amount allowable

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