United States Senator - Wayne AllardUnited States Senator - Wayne Allard
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United States Senator - Wayne Allard My home page contains information about the U.S. Senate, Colorado, how I may be of assistance to you as well as how to contact any one of my six offices. The next time I am in your neighborhood, I hope we can meet to discuss the issues important to you and your family. My staff and I look forward to hearing from you.
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A resolution celebrating Black History Month.
Date Introduced: 02/08/05
Bill Number: S.Res. 44
Description: Celebrates Black History Month by: (1) acknowledging the tragedies of slavery, lynching, segregation, and by condemning them as an infringement on human liberty and equal opportunity so that they will stand forever as a reminder of what can happen when Americans fail to live up to their noble goals; (2) honoring those Americans who during the time of slavery, lynching, and segregation risked their lives in the underground railway and in other efforts to assist fugitive slaves and other African Americans who might have been targets and victims of lynch mobs and those who have stood beside African Americans in the fight for equal opportunity that continues to this day; (3) reaffirming the Senate's commitment to the founding principles of the United States of America that "all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness;" and (4) committing the Senate to addressing those situations in which the African American community struggles with disparities in education, health care, and other areas where the Federal Government can play a role in improving conditions for all Americans.

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