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2003-2004 Principal Nominees

This year, I received many applications from good, qualified candidates throughout North Dakota. After reviewing them all, I have selected three outstanding North Dakota high school students for appointment to the U.S. military academies. These principal nominees are a credit to North Dakota, their families, and their schools. Their selection is the result of years of hard work, consistent excellence and achievement. I’m extremely proud of their accomplishments, as well as their desire to serve their country in the United States military.

Appointment to one of these academies allows young people to serve our country while getting a high-quality, full four year scholarship college education at one of the nation's premier educational institutions. Acceptance of an appointment commits an applicant to five years of active duty service after graduation as an officer, or in the case of the Merchant Marine Academy, the option of receiving an active duty commission and be required to secure employment in the maritime industry.

United States Air Force Academy

Brandon Knutson

“Ever since I was little I have wanted to fly. It is a sense of freedom like no other.”

A graduate of Sherwood High School, Brandon was involved in the Catholic Youth Organization, the Speech Team, the Drama Club, and the Science Club. In athletics, he participated in basketball, football, track, and cross country. He also pursued excellence in the classroom, ranking first in his class and graduating with a 4.0 GPA. He has received awards ranging from Most Outstanding Spanish Student to Track Outstanding Performer and the Speech Leadership Award. In addition, he attended the National Youth Leadership Forum on Defense, Intelligence, and Diplomacy.

United States Military Academy

Marydell Westman

“Serving in the army makes me feel as though I am doing my share to keep alive the principles which this country was founded on.”

After graduating from Garrison High School, Marydell enlisted in the U.S. Army, serving in Korea and in Afghanistan as a Petroleum Supply Specialist. With this experience, she attended the U.S. Military Academy Preparatory School where she became involved in the Culture Club, Cross Country, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Swimming, and her church group. She also has been a squad leader at the academy. During her three years with the U.S. Army, Marydell has received two Army Achievement Medals, an Army Commendation Medal, an Overseas Ribbon, an Army Service Ribbon, and a Drivers Badge.

United States Naval Academy

Clayton Jarolimek

“The U.S. Naval Academy is an excellent opportunity for young men, such as me, to further their education while training to defend our nation.”

Clayton Jarolimek of Forest River was an active participant in high school Drama Club, 4-H, Band, Choir, Football, Baseball, Basketball, and North Dakota Boys State. He was the captain of the football and baseball team, as well as the president of the senior class, student council, and the Boys Athletic Association. Also outstanding in scholastics, Clayton lettered in academics for three years and was named every year to Minto High School’s honor roll. Included among his numerous awards are the Football Coach’s Award, MVP Band, Best Actor, and the Presidential Award of Academic Excellence.

Click here for more information on Military Academy Nominations