House - Respuestas verdaderas, ahora.
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Rhode Island Interests

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Empleos Y Economía

Nuestra Jubilación

Atención de la Salud

Seguridad Nacional

La Educación de Nuestros Hijos

El Medio Ambiente

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¿Cuál es el tamaño ideal de una clase para educación elemental?


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Rhode Island
The Ocean State
Admitido como Estado:
May 29, 1790
Capital del Estado:
Población (Censo de 2000):
Pájaro Estatal:
Rhode Island Red
Dato Divertido:
La Calle Pelham en Newport, Rhode Island, fue la primera calle del país en utilizar farolas a gas.

Cifras Reales

Estadounidenses sin seguro médico en Rhode Island.

Source:Negociado del Censo de los Estados Unidos

Noticias Y Sucesos
Atencion de la Salud
Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) today expressed profound disappointment in President George W. Bush’s decision to veto legislation promoting valuable, lifesaving medical research that could ease the suffering of millions from devastating illnesses such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. July 19, 2006
House Democrats Discuss Impact of Republican Policies On People With Disabilities
Video Highlights of Rep. Barney Frank, Rep. Major Owens, Rep. Jim Langevin, and Rep. Chris Van Hollen at a press conference highlighting the impact Republican policies are having on people with disabilities, specifically in the areas of healthcare, education and employment and housing. April 27, 2005
Empleos y Economia
October 13, 2006
House Democrats Discuss Impact of Republican Policies On People With Disabilities
Video Highlights of Rep. Barney Frank, Rep. Major Owens, Rep. Jim Langevin, and Rep. Chris Van Hollen at a press conference highlighting the impact Republican policies are having on people with disabilities, specifically in the areas of healthcare, education and employment and housing. April 27, 2005
Nuestra Jubilacion
House Democrats Discuss Impact of Republican Policies On People With Disabilities
Video Highlights of Rep. Barney Frank, Rep. Major Owens, Rep. Jim Langevin, and Rep. Chris Van Hollen at a press conference highlighting the impact Republican policies are having on people with disabilities, specifically in the areas of healthcare, education and employment and housing. April 27, 2005
Bush Solution for Social Security: Cut Taxes for Wealthy, Cut Benefits for Seniors
President's Social Security Fix Includes Decreasing Benefits & Gambling Retirement Savings, January 4, 2005
Human Rights
House Democrats Discuss Impact of Republican Policies On People With Disabilities
Video Highlights of Rep. Barney Frank, Rep. Major Owens, Rep. Jim Langevin, and Rep. Chris Van Hollen at a press conference highlighting the impact Republican policies are having on people with disabilities, specifically in the areas of healthcare, education and employment and housing. April 27, 2005

Rhode Island Representatives
Rep. Patrick Kennedy
Rhode Island, 1st
More about Patrick Kennedy
Rep. Jim Langevin
Rhode Island, 2nd
More about Jim Langevin

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Cuadro Amplio
Construcción de un Futuro más Seguro para nuestras Familias
Aunque Estados Unidos ha tomado medidas fuertes para mejorar la defensa nacional en tierra, mar y aire, existen deficiencias todavía. Nuestras fuerzas policiales están agotadas, nuestros bomberos carecen de suficientes equipos y nuestros puertos y fronteras necesitan protecciones más fuertes. Si a usted le preocupa la seguridad de Estados Unidos, no es el único.

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