House - Respuestas verdaderas, ahora.
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Virginia Interests

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Old Dominion State
Admitido como Estado:
June 25, 1788
Capital del Estado:
Población (Censo de 2000):
Pájaro Estatal:
Dato Divertido:
Ocho presidentes de Estados Unidos nacieron en Virginia, y siete están enterrados ahí.

Cifras Reales
$198 million

Falta de fondos federales para las prioridades educativas de Virginia este año.

Noticias Y Sucesos
Empleos y Economia
October 13, 2006
Faith in Action
Clergy for Advocacy : Focus on Budget Cuts Affecting Underprivileged
Moran Joins African-American Clergy for Advocacy Day Event; Focus on Budget Cuts Affecting Underprivileged, May 25, 2005

Virginia Representatives
Rep. Rick Boucher
Virginia, 9th
More about Rick Boucher
Rep. James Moran
Virginia, 8th
More about James Moran
Rep. Bobby Scott
Virginia, 3rd
More about Bobby Scott

Other Representatives
Rep. Eric Cantor
Virginia, 7th

Rep. Jo Davis
Virginia, 1st

Rep. Tom Davis
Virginia, 11th

Rep. Thelma Drake
Virginia, 2nd

Rep. J. Forbes
Virginia, 4th

Rep. Virgil Goode
Virginia, 5th

Rep. Bob Goodlatte
Virginia, 6th

Rep. Frank Wolf
Virginia, 10th

For more information about these representatives, please visit

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Democrats believe that on every issue our nation faces, we must pursue new policies that take our country in a different direction. The Bush Administration’s FY 2007 budget fails on that score; it continues with more of the same wrong priorities of the past five years that have taken our country in the wrong direction. It puts special interests first and the American people last. It is fiscally reckless, adding trillions to the deficit over the next 10 years, and morally irresponsible, slashing funding for key priorities.

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