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A bill to limit the acquisition by the United States of land located in a State in which 25 percent or more of the land in that State is owned by the United States.

Date Introduced: 03/10/05
Bill Number: S.591
Description: The federal government continues to acquire greater amounts of land throughout the nation. Fifty percent of Wyoming, and much of the West is already owned by the federal government, and the federal government has not always been a good neighbor to the people of the West. Federal land management agencies continue to lock up public lands throughout the West and restrict access to areas for multiple-use purposes. This creates great hardship for local communities, destroying jobs and depressing the economy in many areas around the West. I am concerned about adding more federally owned land to our state that might be restricted for specific uses. It is time to address existing public lands' needs before we swell the size of the federal government. It’s time for Congress to protect the rights of private property owners and instill some common sense into federal land acquisitions -- No-Net-Loss of Private Lands will provide that discipline.
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