(Updated September 25, 2006)

H.Res. 989
Commending the United Kingdom for its Efforts in the War on Terror, and for Other Purposes 

Floor Situation

The House is scheduled to consider H.Res. 989, under suspension of the rules, on Monday, September 25, 2006.  It is debatable for 40 minutes, may not be amended, and requires a two-thirds majority vote for passage.


H.Res. 989 resolves that the House of Representatives (1) commends the law enforcement authorities of the United Kingdom on their action to prevent a terrible attack from occurring, (2) commends the intelligence community of the United Kingdom for its outstanding work in identifying the citizens seeking to carry out this plot, (3) condemns those that would use acts of violence against innocent civilians to spread a message of hate and intolerance, and (4) urges the allies of the United States in the Global War on Terror to remain steadfast in the execution of this important mission.


On August 10, 2006, British police arrested 24 people for plotting to commit acts of terror on trans-Atlantic flights.

As of August 31, 2006, 12 citizens have been charged for their roles in the terror plot, including eight citizens charge with conspiracy to murder.

United Kingdom authorities acted swiftly and decisively to prevent a horrific attack on scores of innocent people.

The United Kingdom and the United States have been close allies in not only two World Wars and Operation Desert Storm, but also the Global War on Terror.

The intelligence and military communities of the United Kingdom and the United States continue to work together to win the Global War on Terror.

The threat of terrorism is a grave concern for all nations, regardless of geographical or other boundaries.

Acts of terror have profoundly affected citizens across the globe, including those in Bali, Turkey, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Victory in the Global War on Terror is a necessity to ensure the liberty and safety of all people.

Legislative History

H.Res. 989 was introduced by Rep. Poe (TX) on September 7, 2006. The bill was ordered to be reported from the International Relations Committee, by voice vote, on September 21, 2006.

For additional information or questions, please contact the International Relations Committee at 5-5021.