(Updated September 25, 2006)

H.R. 5857
To Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 1501 South Cherrybell Avenue in Tucson, Arizona, as the "Morris K. 'Mo' Udall Post Office Building"

Floor Situation

The House is scheduled to consider H.R. 5857, under suspension of the rules, on Monday, September 25, 2006.  It is debatable for 40 minutes, may not be amended, and requires a two-thirds majority vote for passage.


H.R. 5857 designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1501 South Cherrybell Avenue in Tucson, Arizona, shall be known and designated as the `Morris K. `Mo' Udall Post Office Building'.

Legislative History

H.R. 5857 was introduced by Rep. Grijalva (AZ) on July 20, 2006. The bill was ordered to be reported from the Government Reform Committee, by unanimous consent, on September 21, 2006. 

For additional information or questions, please contact the Government Reform Committee at 5-5074.