(Updated September 25, 2006)

H.R. 1796
Mississippi River Trail Study Act            

Floor Situation

The House is scheduled to consider H.R. 1796, under suspension of the rules, on Monday, September 25, 2006. The bill is debatable for 40 minutes, may not be amended, and requires a two-thirds majority vote for passage.


H.R. 1796 amends the National Trails System Act to designate the route of the Mississippi River for study for potential addition to the National Trails System as a national scenic or historic trail.

Legislative History

H.R. 1796 was introduced by Rep. McCollum (MN) on April 21, 2005. The bill was ordered to be reported by voice vote on July 19, 2006. House Report 109-622 was filed on September 6, 2006. 

For additional information or questions, please contact Resources Committee  at 5-2761.